Grow the Power – Creating Success
We leverage innovative and impactful human resources consulting techniques to help clients shape their human capital, grow their business, and achieve sustainability.
Who are we ?
Hajar Excel, a human resources consulting company specializing in human resources management and human capital development, was established in 2022 to help organizations to unlock the full potential of their human capital.
We cultivate the experience in employee empowerment, nurturing effective teams and fostering strong corporate cultures.
Our Purpose
Impacting Organizations towards the well-being of their human ca-pital and enhanced performance capacity.
Our Mission
Build strategic partnerships with our clients in their endeavors towards success, with successful implemen-tation through dependable expertise leading to remarkable results.
Our Vision
To be the leading source for Human Capital Consultancy of organizations in the market.
Power of Sustainability
We prioritize leaving a positive impact on our community. We take sustainability seriously and have put into action a strategy for positive impact through our activities.
Power of Impact
Our qualified team provide HR and employment related consultancy, advise, and protect your business from risks associated with HR administration. We ensure our consultation is implementable and is in rhyme with the business challenges, regulations, and law requirements.
Our Values
To provide honest and straight forward services as per the business needs.
To follow highest standard of professional conduct and ethics.
To deliver work with the best standards of Human Resources consultancy.
To maintain privacy and confidentiality in conducting our services.